Today, I present you my second selection of WordPress plugin. Same my first selection, I choose 10 plugins I use everyday and maybe can interess you too
You can see my first selection here
1 – OneSignal Push Notifications

A blog post it is better when it’s read. So, after you create an free account on the website OneSignal (and installed the plugin), you will can send directly a notification on the subscriber reader’s devices
2 – Autoptimize

Optimize the performances of your website is a thing very important for your visitors, but too for your referencement on search engines
3 – reCAPTCHA in WP comments form

Even with a anti-spams installed on my blog, I receved spams comments. This plugin will add a Google captcha before the button “Post the comment”. Since I was actived this plugin, I don’t have spams comments
4 – Resize Image After Upload

On the Web, the size of your images must be reduced by 1M. This plugin can be lightened without degrading the quality
The operation is simple, when the plugin is activate, you can import your medias and the system will work for lighten immediatly
5 – Enable Media Replace

By the same editor “BackWPupResize Image After Upload”, this plugin will can delete dans send again a media with the same name. You have to know, with WordPress, if you send again a media with a same name, the system keep the old.
6 – Fix Image Rotation

When I wanted import a photo in a vertical format (even when I use the rotation tools of Photoshop), I seen a problem on WordPress. The CMS show this format on the website. This plugin can automatically change the sens of the photo.
7 – Duplicate Post

You can understand with the name, this plugin will can you the possibility of duplicate your post from your WordPress administration.
8 – Publish Confirm

Nothing is more annoying, click on the button “Publish” when a post is in progress. So, this plugin will ask you validation before post.
9 – WP Rollback

I already made a post about this plugin on my blog, you can read here. This plugin will can you the possibility switching to a previous version any themes or plugin installed on your website.
10 – SVG Support

WordPress can’t use the SVG format. So with this plugin you can change this. When you active this, you will can import your SVG.
Thank you for sharing a wonderful article.
You can add a Blog Designer plugin on your favorite list. This plugin will help you to modify your blog layout or single page layouts. It is the best solution for websites to attract more visitors to your blog or website.
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